Senior Partner & Director of the Global Fashion Unit - The European House – Ambrosetti

Since 2013 Partner of The European House – Ambrosetti, Flavio Sciuccati is Director of the Industrial Strategy and Policy practice as well as Responsible of the Global Fashion Unit (B.U. founded by him in 2009 to provide qualified services to all companies  of the Textile, Fashion and Luxury sector at both a national and international level).

Flavio joined The European House – Ambrosetti in 2004 as head of Management Consulting primarily focused on the Italian manufacturing and supply chain industry. He led major strategic projects (industrial scenarios, competitiveness analysis of Italian factories and “made in Italy” districts, alliances between industrial players, etc.) as well as more operational projects (management of business portfolio, redesign of industrial systems, improvement of operational performances, etc.) in collaboration with both leading corporations (national and international with operations located in Italy) and innumerable small-and-medium-sized companies.

Its main customers include Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior, Fendi and others in the Fashion & Luxury sector and also Ferrari, Brembo, Ducati in the mechanical sector; in addition, many SMEs in the various Italian and International supply chains.

With a degree in Nuclear Physics from the University of Milan in 1983, he was a researcher for four years, first at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and later for the SAES Getters Group.

In order to extend his sphere of expertise into the management area, he received an Executive MBA from the SDA Bocconi-School of Management in Milan, following which he definitively chose the world of consulting in 1990, focusing initially on the application in Italy of the most modern and innovative Japanese production techniques based on the Toyota Just in Time model (RDA-Gruppo Telos, 1990 and JMAC-Considi, 1991-1996).

Subsequently, in 1997, he founded a consulting boutique (Assist Consulting 1997-2003), specializing in particular on small and medium-sized companies with special attention on the Textile, Fashion and Luxury sector and, more generally, on all “Made in Italy” and Italian “lifestyle” sectors.

Until 2004 he was also temporary professor of Technology Management and Competition at Bocconi University and continues to be a visiting professor in the faculties of Technology and Production and Master of Fashion, Experience and Design at the SDA Bocconi in Milan.

He is the author of numerous publications on industrial strategy, including the book, Riprogettare il Sistema di Produzione, published by Il Sole 24 Ore in 1984 (in collaboration with Minoru Tanaka).

In 2016 he collaborated with Nicola Misani and Paola Varacca Capello in the book “Product Development and Merchandising”, published by Egea S.p.a. (Bocconi University publishing company).

He has been married to Claudia since 2005 and has four beautiful sons:  Sara, Federica, Francesco ed Ilaria.