Sihasak Phuangketkeow

Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs, Eastern Economic Corridor, Thailand - former Permanent Secretary, Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow is Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs for the Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand. He is one of Thailand’s most senior diplomats. During his career, he assumed a number of important positions in the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the headquarters, he served in many prominent capacities including Spokesperson of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Permanent Secretary and later becoming Permanent Secretary, the highest-ranking position in the Thai foreign service. His postings abroad included assignments as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador to Japan and Ambassador to France.  He has had extensive experience in the affairs of ASEAN, having served as leader of the Thai delegation to the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting for many years. He was also Thailand’s representative on the High -Level Task Force that drafted the ASEAN Charter and also chaired the High-Level Panel that drafted the terms of reference of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. While serving in Geneva, he was elected as President of the UN Human Rights Council from 2010-2011.