Bui Nhat Quang

(President - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Nhat Quang is the current President of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), his research interests are: International relations, Economic and political issues of Africa and the Middle East, Socio-economic and Political issues of Vietnam. He is also a Member of the Central Committee Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam. Previously he has served as: Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (2016-2019), Vice Chairman of Ninh Thuan People’s Committee (2014-2016), Director General of Institute for Africa and Middle East Studies, VASS (2011-2014), Vice-Director General of Institute for Africa and Middle East Studies, VASS (2008-2011) and Researcher, Department Head of Institute for European Studies, VASS (1998-2008).

He holds a PhD in World Economics and International Economic Relations, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and a M.A. in Political Economics, Trento University, Trento City, Republic of Italy.