Ahmad Khairuddin Bin Abdul Rahim

Deputy CEO - Malaysian Investment Development Authority – MIDA

Ahmad Khairuddin Bin Abdul Rahim is currently the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Investment Development) of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), a Government agency that drives investments into the manufacturing and selected services sectors in Malaysia. He holds a Master Degree in International Business and started his career with MIDA in 1991. Since joining MIDA, he has served many divisions and portfolios plus two overseas assignments ie MIDA London and MIDA Sydney. He was involved in various projects on industrial development, such as the formulation of the Third Industrial Master Plan; Green Technology Master Plan; Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020), Twelfth Malaysian Plan (2021-2025), New Industrial Master Plan (2021-2030) and Secretariat to the Malaysian Logistics Council; and Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for three (3) high potential growth industries namely Chemical & Advanced Materials, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals; which were among the prominent subsectors in Eleventh Malaysia Plan. Currently he is involved in the formulation of the Twelve Malaysia Plan (2020-2025) and the New Industrial Master Plan (2020-2030).